
Wedding Exhibitions and Fairs

Modern brides and grooms have a wide selection of services available to help them with their special day. Wedding exhibitions and fairs are the perfect place to begin planning for their wants and needs. Vendors that specialize in weddings are invited to these exhibitions. There they are given an opportunity to sell their products and services to couples about to be married.

Putting on a wedding exhibition or fair takes a great deal of work by the event staff of the hall or fair grounds. They must include vendors for staples such as wedding dresses, halls, caterers and basic wedding needs. Staff must also seek out and find vendors offering new products and services. They must strike a balance of vendors so the couple has a chance to see all that is offered during the show. Vendors receiving few orders from a show will not attend during the next year.

Advertising is an important part of putting together a wedding exhibition. Most weddings are a one-time event, and couples generally attend only one or two shows or fairs while they are planning their wedding. Promotional staff must get the word out to couples in the planning stage of their wedding and convince them to attend. Vendors expect to have the opportunity to meet many couples during the fair and follow up with them to provide products or services.

For brides and grooms, exhibitions and fairs are a good place to experience the results of their wedding planning. They will be completely immersed in a venue that contains all their wedding needs. They are able to go through a series of booths and meet with vendors. This provides vendors with an experiential marketing opportunity that will help couples to project how their wedding will proceed. Doing this allows couples to decide what to keep traditional and what modern highlights they will add to their special day.